

On October 7–10, 2010, more than one hundred poets, critics, and publishers from Lithuania and abroad attended the XXI Druskininkai Poetic Fall festival. The following poets participated in the featured poetry readings:

Alan Berecka (USA; translated by Marius Burokas); Vytautas P. Bložė (Lithuania; translated by Jonas Zdanys); Wojciech Bonowicz (Poland; translated by Vytas Dekšnys); Vladas Braziūnas (Lithuania; translated by Ada Valaitis); Tsead Bruinja (Netherlands; translated by Antanas Gailius);
Henrikas Algis Čigriejus (Lithuania; translated by Ada Valaitis); Valdas Gedgaudas (Lithuania; translated by Medeinė Tribinevičius); Bogomil Gjuzel (Macedonia; translated by Laima Masytė); Bob Holman (USA; translated by Edgaras Platelis); Evaldas Ignatavičius (Lithuania; translated by Medeinė Tribinevičius), Antanas A. Jonynas (Lithuania; translated by Medeinė Tribinevičius); Donaldas Kajokas (Lithuania; translated by Joseph Grikis); Erling Kittelsen (Norway; translated by Nora Strikauskaitė), Gueorgui Konstantinov (Bulgaria; translated by Laima Masytė); Eleanor Livingstone (Scotland; translated by Sonata Paliulytė); Marcelijus Martinaitis (Lithuania;translated by Laima Vince Sruoginis); Kęstutis Navakas (Lithuania; translated by Joseph Grikis); Victor Rodriguez Nunez (Cuba; translated by Jurga and Laurynas Katkus); Paul Perry (Ireland; translated by Edgaras Platelis); Alberto Princis (Italy; translated by Audrius Musteikis); Rajvinder Singh (India – Germany; translated by Antanas A. Jonynas); Knuts Skujenieks (Latvia; translated by Vladas Braziūnas); Triin Soomets (Estonia; translated by Danutė Sirijos – Giraitė); Rimvydas Stankevičius (Lithuania; translated by Kerry Shawn Keys); Ivo Stropnik (Slovenia; translated by Laima Masytė); Cai Tianxin (China; translated by Agnė Biliūnaitė); Tugrul Tanyol (Turkey; translated by Skaistė Kivci); Jonas Zdanys (USA – Lithuania; translated by Kornelijus Platelis); Dovilė Zelčiūtė (Lithuania; translated by Ada Valaitis); Agnė Žagrakalytė (Lithuania; translated by Jonas Zdanys).

All of the festival's events transpired as planned: a conference, six poetry readings in Druskininkai, and three in Vilnius. The theme of the conference and also the festival was "Poetic Schools and Personal Addictions." During the conference, Agnė Žagrakalytė and Edgaras Platelis led a discussion and presentations were given by Laima Kreivytė, Rimantas Kmita, and Tomas S. Butkus (Lithuania). As always, ten young poets, selected by Aušra Kaziliūnaitė, were introduced during the festival. The young poets' readings were hosted by Aušra Kaziliūnaitė and Benediktas Januševičius. Mindaugas Nastaravičius was awarded the Antanas A. Jonynas "Pushkin Prize," while, the following day, Aidas Marčėnas and Marius Šidlauskas discussed young poets' work.

On Saturday, from morning until the afternoon, the "Dainava" center courtyard was abuzz with activity – attendees were able to sample Andrius Mosiejus's prose cabbage soup, listen to Bob Holman's poetry slam, and participate in a poetry paining workshop. Also, the opening of Ričardas Šileika's photography exhibition "Rytines pareidolijos" [Eastern Pareidolias] took place at the Sofa Art gallery.

The committee of the Yotvingian prize, headed by Kęstutis Navakas, selected Viktorija Daujotytė as laureate for her book of poetry „Balsa ūkus/ Balsai Ūkuose" [Voices in the Nebulae] (Vilnius: Regional Cultural Initiative Center, 2010) and for her monographs about poets Jonas Strielkūnas, Judita Vaičiūnaitė, and Sigitas Geda. The Young Yotvingian prize was awarded to Antanas Šimkus for his second book of poetry, „Sezonas baigtas" [The Season Has Ended] (Vilnius: Lithuanian Writers' Union publishers, 2010).

The evaluation committee (Marijus Šidlauskas, Sondra Simanaitiene, Virginijus Gasiliunas, Laima Kreivyte, and Neringa Mikalauskiene) of the traditional One Anonymous Poem contest positioned the winners thus:

1. Dainius Dirgela,

2. Ilzė Butkutė,

3. Vainius Bakas,

4. Gytis Norvilas,

5. Gytis Norvilas.

The later was reprimanded for submiting two poems for the same competition. The prize winners of the humorous poem contest "My confession of personal addiction" were:

1. Sara Poisson

2. Dovilė Zelčiūtė

3. Vainius Bakas.

On Sunday, the Druskininkai Poetic Fall festival relocated to Vilnius. The
striking Saint Catherine's Church played host to the closing evening, which featured the work of the prize laureates and foreign guests, was hosted by Alvydas Šlepikas and Jurgita Mikutytė, and included a concert by Dominykas Grigaliūnas (saxophone) and Dana Podriabinkina (piano). Post-festival readings took place on Monday at the Užupis café and were led by Antanas A. Jonynas. On Tuesday, guests attended the final event of the XXI Druskininkai Poetic Fall – Bob Holman's poetry slam at the Fluxus Ministry.

Marius Burokas

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