03 September 2019

Toms Treibergs (Latvia)

Toms Treibergs Toms Treibergs Photo by Lelde Strunda

Poet and publicist Toms Treibergs (born 1985) is senior editor in Latvian Radio 1. In 2004, together with his friend, writer and painter Svens Kuzmins, Treibergs established sketch theatre NERTEN, which is active till this day. Both poetry collections, Gaismas apstākļi (The Circumstances of Light, 2012) and Drudzis (Fever, 2015) have been nominated for Latvian Literature prize. Drudzis won The Best Book Design award (Zelta Ābele) in 2016. In September the third collection Biezoknis (Thicket) has been published. Author translates poetry from English and Russian, illustrates children’s books.



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